
Hamilton reflects on positive change: ''Rising together against racism''

10 June 2020 at 06:54

Lewis Hamilton has often been in the spotlight in recent weeks with his statements against racism. Where he initially indicated that he felt alone in this fight, he is now also grateful for all the people who have risen since his message.

''Over the past few weeks we have seen the world open its eyes and see the reality of racism in the world. People from all over the world have risen up together and used their voices against racism and against brutal police power and white supremacy,'' Hamilton says on his Twitter channel.

Hamilton reflects on positive change

''We still have a long way to go, but I also want to take a moment to appreciate the positive steps. Through the cooperation of people, laws have been made, policemen have been arrested and major brands have joined the Black Lives Matter movement. There is also an increasing demand for anti-racism books and documentaries, because people want to know more''.

Hamilton is very happy with this positive progress. ''More and more we see people who want to learn more about the dark history. This is just the beginning and hopefully a start of many more changes that will come'', concludes Hamilton.