
Hamilton makes a new statement: "This is truly disgusting Spain!"

14 June 2020 at 16:22
Last update 14 June 2020 at 17:01

Lewis Hamilton has once again made himself heard on social media. This time it was not about the Black Lives Matter issue, but about animal suffering in Spain. In a meanwhile removed story on Instagram, the Mercedes driver made a big trip to the southern European country because of the bullfighting that is still going on there.

It is well known that Hamilton is vegan and very concerned about the fate of animals. This weekend the six-time world champion placed a picture of a dead bull completely covered with blood. In addition, the 35-year-old put the following text: "This is truly disgusting Spain!"

Hamilton angry

According to Hamilton, the Ministry of Education in Spain must intervene. But why the Ministry of Education? Hamilton explains. "Kids in Spain are taught to torture and kill bulls...starting at age 14. We're asking Spain's Ministry of Education to close bullfighting schools, immediately."

At the bottom of the post was a link that led to a petition from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). "You can help by sharing the petition." The message can't be found on Hamilton's account anymore.