
Van der Garde on returning to Istanbul: "Everything is in order"

26 August 2020 at 09:48
Last update 26 August 2020 at 09:55

Formula 1 drove in Turkey for the last time in 2011. On Tuesday afternoon, the FIA announced that Istanbul Park would return to the calendar after a long period of absence. Giedo van der Garde came into action several times on the Turkish track and stated that we could be presented with a possible spectacle. The former F1-driver looks ahead to the Grand Prix in Turkey.

Added value for Formula 1

"It is of course a super nice circuit", says Van der Garde in an interview with The WEC driver suspects that many drivers will be looking forward to the weekend in Istanbul. "Honestly, a lot of drivers will be happy that it will be held there again. Not everyone has ridden there before. It really is a driver's circuit, everything is in place.''

The analyst is especially looking forward to the eighth corner. "Of course there's that double left which is huge and is going to be full throttle. That will be very heavy for the neck," he says. "The rest of the bends are medium and low speed. I've always had a lot of fun riding them and I think it's definitely an added value for the new calendar".

We don't have to expect a parade when Formula 1 comes down from 13 to 15 November. "There are certainly plenty of opportunities to overtake. We have also seen spectacular races there in the past. You will probably get two DRS zones, where you can always overtake. It could be a fun Grand Prix", said Van der Garde.

Nice battle between Mercedes and Red Bull Racing

He himself was also allowed to take office three times in Istanbul. "I think I have been there three times in total, of which I have been on stage twice. 2009 was the first time for me and then it was already a tough circuit for me in Formula 2, because at that time Formula 2 had no powersteering. That was not only for the neck, but certainly for the arms".

Formula 1 has indicated to aim for 2021 on a calendar with more than twenty races. So is there room for a Turkish GP? "Yes, let's hope so. I was sorry that it disappeared from the calendar at the time. It really was one of the favourite tracks as a driver, but it will have to do with the economy and what kind of deal they (the promoters) can make. It's also up to FOM whether they are open to it".

The Istanbul circuit does not necessarily directly benefit either the RB16 or the W11 of Mercedes. "I think it's really just the updates they bring with them. If Red Bull knows where to find something in the tunnel and they can take it with them, it can be a fun battle with Mercedes," says Van der Garde. "However, if it stays as it is now, Mercedes will win before Red Bull. We've seen crazier things in previous seasons and let's hope that Red Bull can develop a good update for the last couple and coming weekends. Then we can have a good season.''

In collaboration with Corwin Kunst