F1 News

Brawn remains in favour: "Grand Prix Italy shows that reverse grid race is..."
- GPblog.com
It has been under consideration for some time now: reversed grid-races. The regular qualifying session could be exchanged for a (short) race with a reversed grid starting position. The leader in the championship will be the last to start with the runner-up in the championship and so on. F1 director Ross Brawn is still a great supporter.
Initially, the idea was to experiment with this reversed grid as early as 2020, but those plans have been off the table for some time now. However, it is still in the planning for 2021, partly because by then there will not be unanimous support from the teams, but only a majority.
In his column on the Formula 1 website, Brawn states that the Italian Grand Prix showed that it is still worth considering. "We believe that yesterday’s race showed the excitement a mixed-up pack can deliver and with next year’s cars remaining the same as this year - our fans could be treated to the similar drama we saw this weekend at Monza." Monza was already a candidate to test this format this year. "Unfortunately, we could not move forward with it, but the concept is still something we and the FIA want to work through in the coming months and discuss with the teams for next year", said the F1 Director.
Of course, a reversed grid also provides a different approach to the teams. Brawn: "Right now, Mercedes set their cars up to achieve the fastest lap and then to control the race from the front. If they know they have to overtake, they will have to change that approach. We will continue to evaluate new formats with the aim of improving the show but always maintaining the DNA of Formula 1.”