Schumacher: "Political activism Hamilton is a danger to Formula 1"
F1 News

There is a lot of discussion about Lewis Hamilton's political activism. Many think that this should be kept separate from the sport, others think that he would do well to use his stage to speak out. However, former Formula 1 driver Ralf Schumacher thinks there is also a danger behind it.
Schumacher has no problem with Hamilton using his social media as a platform for his political activism, but thinks he should keep that separate from Formula 1.
Keeping Formula 1 and politics separate
"It's an important topic, and he can use Instagram and other social networks to give his opinion on it. The only question is why he always has to do it in a Mercedes overalls on the track," he says in conversation with AvD Motorsport Magazin on the German Sport1 channel.
"That can have a polarizing effect. If drivers speak too much about things like that, it becomes dangerous, and the sport doesn't deserve that."
Despite Hamilton's commitment to human rights, he hasn't yet spoken out on the issue of the new Saudi Arabian Grand Prix. Schumacher doesn't think that's necessary either.
"I firmly believe that sport and politics should not be combined. If they do, then it's certainly not up to the driver to say anything about that," Schumacher said.