Team boss at Williams tests positive Covid-19

Breaking News

11 November 2020 at 18:43
Last update 11 November 2020 at 19:14

Simon Roberts, Williams' current team boss, has tested positive for Covid-19. Both the team and the FIA have just announced this. Earlier this week, several coronavirus cases were also reported to Williams, but Roberts wasn't amoungst them. 

Roberts tested negative in the regular coronavirus test last Monday, while other team members tested positive. Which team members were affected at that time was not disclosed due to privacy considerations. After showing slight symptoms, Roberts was tested again this morning. This test was positive.

No consequences for GP Turkey

Roberts is now in isolation and Williams states that he has not had close contact with other team members. Dave Redding (team manager) and Adam Carter (chief engineer of vehicle design) will take on his responsibilities in the field in Turkey. "Our racing team and the team will continue to operate trackside as planned", Williams said in a press release.