No fans in Azerbaijan: "Our message is as simple as it is heartfelt"

Red Bull Content Pool


5 March 2021 at 11:52
Last update 5 March 2021 at 13:31

Friday morning it was announced that there will be no spectators at this year's Azerbaijan Grand Prix. That has been the outcome of talks between the Baku City Circuit, the government of Azerbaijan, Formula 1 and the FIA. In a statement, the organisation regrets the situation but says that there is no other option at the moment due to the coronavirus.

The country has a population of nearly ten million people and the COVID-19 situation appears to be reasonably under control, but it is too early to immediately welcome thousands of fans in about three months' time. "While the global situation and pandemic response is continuing to improve, it has become clear that the 2021 Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix race weekend has arrived too soon for BCC to safely host the event with fans present.”

Tickets are converted

Whereas last year's event in Baku was completely cancelled, at least there will be a Grand Prix now. Unfortunately without spectators. Fans who had bought a ticket for the 2020 edition will now be sent a ticket for 2022. "Our message is as simple as it is heartfelt: we miss you and we will see you again!", says Arif Rahimov.

However, the director of Baku City Circuit stresses that the most important thing is to keep everyone safe and healthy. To ensure that everyone who attends or contributes in any way to the event can do so, fans will have to wait a year before they can come back to the street circuit.