More spectacle thanks to 2022 car? 'Won't get there overnight'

F1 News

16 July 2021 at 11:35
Last update 16 July 2021 at 13:41

Yesterday was the day that the new F1 car for 2022 was shown for the first time. There were a lot of reactions on the looks of the car, with the wheels, the floor and the front wing changed to encourage 'close racing'.

However, according to Nikolas Tombazis, it is not going to lead to spectacular races right away. To he says that fans will have to be patient. Although close racing is the ultimate goal, it will not happen from the first race onwards, according to the Greek.

"We expect to see more close racing but maybe not from the first race. Maybe one team will have fully mastered the new rules and another will not. We do expect very soon that the cars will be closer together in terms of competitiveness and that the drivers will be able to follow each other better."

Like Rome, spectacular races were not created in a single day

To quote Tombazis, he'd like to see that too, but unfortunately it's not possible. "Better races will not happen overnight. We study the solutions the teams come up with and we keep working on improvements. But we are convinced that it will get a lot better with time."

"It's not necessarily about having the number of overtakes increase," the Greek continued. "But how close they can follow each other. So it's about following each other and being able to tussle with each other throughout the race. That's what we're trying to achieve."

It will be a while before the 2022 cars can actually be seen on a circuit. Early next year, when testing starts, will be the first real moment when the new car can start doing its job.