F1 News

Mercedes seems happy with car: 'Hopefully further progress tonight'
- GPblog.com
It was a pretty positive day for Mercedes. They may not have been the fastest in the second free practice, but the gap to Max Verstappen was very small. Andrew Shovlin tells us more about their progress.
"We've had a pretty clean day overall. It's often tricky on Friday here with the long lap and unpredictable weather but we've made good use of the sessions and have ended up with a reasonable balance", Shovlin said in Mercedes' official press release.
"It's hard to know quite where we stand; the circuit is very power sensitive so going up and down on modes can give big swings in lap time but the car seems to be working as it should and it looks like we're there or thereabouts on pace."
Weather makes it tricky
There were some minor issues for Mercedes, but the team hopes to resolve them for tomorrow. "There's a bit more to find on the balance and Lewis had some vibrations on the long run that won't have helped but hopefully we can make some further progress with the car overnight."
"We're expecting more of the same from the weather over the rest of the weekend, it's quite hard to read more than 30 minutes into the future so planning qualifying and the race could be tricky but it's not unusual to be in that position here", Shovlin said about the weather in Spa.