Internautas reagem à punição da FIA para a Red Bull

A FIA foi a público anunciar a punição para a Red Bull Racing nesta sexta-feira e não foi recebida com muito entusiasmo na internet. Algumas das reações nos dizem que as pessoas pensam que uma brecha foi aberta para que outras equipes também quebrem o teto orçamentário no futuro. A Red Bull não teria recebido um castigo digno com menos tempo de túnel de vento e uma multa de sete milhões de dólares.
Isto é o que a internet pensa da punição da Red Bull
Peanuts of a penalty to a company the size of Red Bull. Financial incompetence or cheating ? Difficult to see a 3rd alternative. The sooner the FIA actually reviews the rules, makes them unambiguous & defines & enforces consistent penalties the better.
— Alexander Aucken (@2012ARA1) October 28, 2022
I bet redbull are smiling after the slap on the wrist punishment from the FIA
— Danny Stark (@itz_dannie) October 28, 2022
FIA are the worst sporting organisation the world. Red bull will be laughing their arses off. 7 million dollars and some reduced car testing. Wank organisation, wank sport
— Harry ‘Subway’ G (@HGrafton05) October 28, 2022
I am sure that Mercedes and Ferrari are willing to pay the price if they get such punishment. The fia had a chance to be extremely tough to make an example of red bull but chose other wise. This will come back to hunt them in the future for sure. Cheers
— Ramon Brito (@Ramon_Britoo) October 28, 2022
Cheating is a criminal offence. RedBull cheated and got a pass from FIA
— Victor Olomu (@DeoJ2010) October 28, 2022
Congratulations @fia, this verdict will lead red bull, ferrari, mercedes, and potentially mclaren & alpine to exceed next year's cost cap, if they're not suddenly increasing this year's budget over the cap
— average edgerunner enjoyer (@thepincang) October 28, 2022
Wish the FIA just removed 10 points from the team and drivers but I'm not surprised since redbull got to negotiate their punishment
— Samkelo (@Samkelo2772) October 28, 2022
It’s really FIA REDBULL , wow just ridiculous
— Danny Stark (@itz_dannie) October 28, 2022
Even a team like Aston Martin can pay a 7 million dollar fine without nothing happening to the team, so the penalty given to Red Bull is equivalent to no penalty. This further raises doubts about FIA's sporting integrity.
— Nazirr (@abunoura) October 28, 2022
So Red Bull escape without any severe punishment, despite basically cheating their way to 3 titles...
— Josh (@JM2299_) October 28, 2022
The FIA is a corrupt organisation, and this just proves it. #F1 is now a laughing stock
So it’s taken the FIA all those weeks to come up with that “penalty”. Maybe they had to ask Redbull if it was acceptable ♂️
— justmark (@justmar03519694) October 28, 2022
The FIA when Red Bull cheat vs when Lewis Hamilton won’t remove his nose-ring.
— Justin Vorster (@JustVorster) October 28, 2022
FIA you again have demonstrated you don’t follow your own rules and a common denominator is Red Bull. Ross Braun has been made a laughing stock after his statement when the cost cap was introduced. I urge all teams to ignore the cost.
— kev1223334444 (@kev12233344441) October 28, 2022
@MBrundleF1 absolute cop out by the FIA with Redbull penalty for the overspend ! Everyone will do the same now for next years cars and take the hit
— Mark Henderson (@markhenderson_) October 28, 2022
RedBull Racing are cheats and Verstappen is a fake champion. The FiA is a joke.
— Rob Baillie (@eAyeAddio) October 28, 2022