F1 News

Mercedes expects no hindrance from E10 fuel: 'Little difference from 2021'
- GPblog.com
Mike Elliott, technical director of Mercedes, thinks Formula One cars will have 'relatively the same' performance this year as in 2021, despite the revision of the technical regulations. He expects the powerplant to perform 'slightly differently' with the new E10 fuel, but doesn't think that performance will be massively reduced.
Initially, the new regulations were expected to make the cars a few seconds per lap slower compared to 2021, but simulations from several teams tell a different story. This is also true for Mercedes, where no major difference in performance is expected.
Mercedes expects equal performance in 2022
"The overall performance of the new cars probably won't be much different from the old cars," Elliott says in a video on the Mercedes YouTube-channel. He thinks the cars will perform slightly 'differently', but doesn't expect an immediate decline. What it will actually look like he doesn't expect to find out until "after the first few races."
Honda chief Yasuaki Asagi recently warned about the effect of the new E10 fuel. According to the Japanese chief, who remains closely involved with Red Bull Racing's engine project, many manufacturers are downplaying the adverse effect of the new fuel.