
Iwasa fastest in F2 free practice in Monaco
Can anyone stop Iwasa?

Iwasa fastest in F2 practise as Verschoor causes red flag in Monaco

25 May 2023 at 15:52

Free practice for the Formula 2 field was quite hectic in Monaco on Thursday. After three red flags, inclduing one for Richard Verschoor, who put his car into the wall, Ayumu Iwasa proved to be the fastest on behalf of DAMS with a 1:22.081.

The first red flag was early in the session after a collision between Ralph Boschung and Roman Stanek in the final corner. With just over 20 minutes to go, a red flag was then waved for the second time, as Oliver Bearman lost the rear of his Prema in Turn 8 and ended up in the crash barriers.

With a minute to go, the same thing happened to Verschoor. At the same spot, the Dutchman experienced considerable oversteer, cuasing him to fly off. As a result, free practice was not resumed after that.

F2 Monaco free practice results

Verschoor causes red flag in Monaco