Brawn about possible new manufacturers: "Nobody's going to invest in that now"


6 June 2020 at 10:45

Formula 1 boss Ross Brawn has admitted that he does not expect new engine manufacturers in the sport until the rules change in 2026. He also stresses that the options for which format will be chosen are still wide open.


At the moment there are no newcomers waiting in Formula 1 and according to Brawn this will continue to be the case in the coming years. The current rules regarding engines will be in force until 2025, so Brawn does not expect to be able to welcome new manufacturers until 2026.

With the reset of the rules, Formula 1 hopes to add new manufacturers to the list of Mercedes, Ferrari, Renault and Honda. The hope is that these new manufacturers will also stay in the sport for a longer period of time.

New rules

"It's not that far away when you think you've got to do a new engine", says Brawn to "You will have to be starting your engine design in 18 months if you want to get one for then."

"So with the FIA and with the manufacturers we're now looking at what the next powertrain should look like, and I think that's the opportunity to get new manufacturers involved, and we need to find a design specification to do that. We're looking at what we feel is a relevant powertrain for that period", continues Brawn.

"No one is going to invest in the current engine, because it's going to finish in that time, and it's a very substantial investment to get up to speed", concludes Brawn.