F1 News

Ecclestone has the solution: 'Let's quickly stop these bloody silly engines'

6 January 2021 at 09:38
Last update 6 January 2021 at 10:11
  • GPblog.com

The era of today's hybrid engines in Formula 1 is coming to an end, so it is time to make a choice for the future. Where there is now a lot of talk about sustainable engines, Bernie Ecclestone advocates a return to V8 engines.

Back to V8 engines

In recent years, Formula 1 has increasingly moved in the direction of sustainable hybrid engines. However, today's engines are so complex that the costs are enormous and many manufacturers are afraid to step in. A cheaper alternative must be found, and Ecclestone knows what the best solution is.

''I’ll be in trouble for this, but let’s dig out all the old normally aspirated engines. Everybody’s got them, the costs go right down, the noise will be back, and we can use them for five years while we sort out an engine for the future,'' says Ecclestone to Motorsportmagazine.com.

Ecclestone wants more sound

It is, of course, easier said than done to return to the old engines, certainly for the man who was responsible for choosing the current ones. After all, Bernie Ecclestone was still at the helm of Formula 1 when it came to choosing the current engines. Now, however, Ecclestone's opinion has changed.

''Formula 1 doesn’t have to be relevant to the car industry. People forget, Formula 1 is in the entertainment business and when you stop entertaining you haven’t got a business. Let’s get rid of these bloody silly engines they have now. The people in the grandstands aren’t interested in how super-efficient they are, how much fuel they use, how powerful they are. Max Mosley said the noise doesn’t matter but I think it does, always have done,'' concludes the former CEO of F1.