Giovinazzi already sounds like an experienced driver: "Don't worry"

Although he is only in his third full year, he has already gained the necessary experience. Antonio Giovinazzi has seen a number of drivers make their Formula 1 debuts after him and several more will follow this year. There have been a lot of changes in Formula 1 in recent years
The Italian drove satisfactorily last year against teammate and former world champion Kimi Raikkonen, allowing him to stay on this year. The Italian still hopes to one day drive a red Ferrari, like his teammate in the past, although he would have to have a very special season to make the list of potential Ferrari drivers.
Few test days
There will be a lot less testing for everyone this year, just one and a half days per driver. When Giovinazzi was asked his opinion on the matter by Sky Sports Italy, it was clear he had already gained some experience. The Italian preaches calm and doesn't want to worry about things he has no influence over:
"Don't worry. Of course, a driver always wants to drive as much as possible, but in the end, it will be like that for everyone and it won't be so bad for us. We will try, both Kimi and I, to provide as much data as possible to the team and the best package for the debut race."