F1 News

Mücke: "Can't stand it when people say Vettel is rubbish".

11 March 2021 at 19:26
Last update 11 March 2021 at 19:25
  • GPblog.com

Sebastian Vettel is entering his 15th Formula One season. He makes a fresh start this year, considering he traded Ferrari for the green Aston Martin, which returns to F1 this year. His former sponsor Peter Mücke advised the Heppenheimer to make the switch last year.

Vettel's goal with his dream transfer to Ferrari was clear at the time: to copy his idol Michael Schumacher and become world champion with the Italian team. However, things turned out differently for the German. More than once Vettel seemed unhappy and sometimes he made the most incomprehensible mistakes.


Mücke however still believes in Vettel, he said in conversation with Motorsport.com "A driver doesn't suddenly lose his qualities. From my point of view: a car is not the same for every driver. You really have to respond to the individual needs of a driver and what he feels. I'm of the opinion that this hasn't happened."


Whether Vettel got inferior material than his teammate Charles Leclerc, Mücke doesn't want to say. He does say: "My feeling is that he didn't get the same attention. And we are not talking about a world of difference. It's about two tenths on a time scale. So I can't stand it when the world complains that Sebastian is bad."