Mediabank Formula E


formula e will introduce pit stops in 2024

Formula E goes after Formula 1: 'Pit stops in 2024'

12 October 2023 at 16:01
Last update 12 October 2023 at 18:32
  • Toby McLuskie

Formula E organisers are constantly looking to make the championship more attractive. After years of deliberation, it is said to have decided to experiment with pit stops at several ePrix' in 2024. These are not exactly the same as in Formula 1, by the way. They will be so-called 'attack charge' pit stops.

In Formula E, drivers are relieved to use their 'attack mode' twice. This gives them more power, making overtaking easier. At several races in 2024, it is planned that this 'attack mode' can only be used after a mandatory pit stop has been made first. The time for how long the cars must then stop in the pits will be decided on a race-by-race basis, The Race already knows.

With the introduction of the stops, more strategies are possible and that adds to the excitement of the races. Incidentally, both cars of a team will not be allowed to stop in the pitlane one after the other. Double stacking is allowed in Formula 1, however. This too should make for more variety in the races.

'Five ePrix' with stops

In a week's time, the FIA will announce the new regulations for the '24 FE season. Incidentally, the idea is not to have pit stops at all ePrix next year. This would only happen in Riyadh, Rome, Berlin, Shanghai and London. During these weekends, two races are scheduled each time. During one there will be mandatory stops, during the other there will not.