Haas F1 takes rigorous measure: no development 2020 car for the time being


18 June 2020 at 15:49
Last update 18 June 2020 at 16:33
  • GPblog.com

Haas F1 is not going to further develop the 2020 car until it is clear what Formula 1 will look like in 2020. At the moment there is still a lot of uncertainty about the remaining part of the calendar and the extent of the commercial rights for the teams in the king's class of motorsport and therefore they don't want to take any irresponsible risks.

"In the moment we are not planning any upgrades until we know exactly what we are doing this year budget wise, and what we are doing race wise," said Guenther Steiner during a multi-media video call, including Autosport.com. According to the team boss, there's a very logical reason for that: "I cannot spend money which I don't know if I've got. There is no point to do that in the moment."

Haas F1 vigilant

The American race team stresses that they have to be very careful with their expenses, as revenues have also decreased significantly due to the coronavirus outbreak. "You know the income is going down in having less races and having races without spectators. So, until it's very clear I'm very cautious", says Steiner.

There is a chance that Haas F1 will be overtaken by the competition, but that's not as bad as spending a lot of money now, which later turns out not to be there at all. "You need to make decisions now. The worst would be to spend the money now and then not have the money to do the upgrades. That is no help", he explains more about the considerations of Haas F1.