Marko doesn't think F1's proposal is enough: 'That's risen like hell'

Red Bull Contentpool

F1 News

1 July 2022 at 06:53
Last update 1 July 2022 at 08:44

Red Bull Racing still insists on increasing the budget cap. There was earlier talk of a fee from F1, but Helmut Marko is not satisfied with that.

Compensation from F1 is not enough

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, inflation in the world has been enormous. This is also noticeable in Formula 1, especially now that there is a budget cap within which the teams must remain. Due to inflation, the costs are higher and especially the top teams want to increase the budget cap.

The smaller teams, however, do not want this. They just stay within the budget cap because that is what was budgeted for and do not want the top teams to get an advantage. According to Auto, Motor und Sport, F1 therefore came up with a counter proposal by offering a compensation of three million dollars or three percent of the current budget cap (140 million dollars, 3% = 4.2 million dollars). The smaller teams would get this money, which should help everyone.

Red Bull wants more

Marko however does not think it is enough. Speaking to the Austrian says that the budget cap simply has to go up because inflation, which normally sits at one to two percent, is now eight percent. Travel costs are the worst, according to Marko. They have, he says, ''risen like hell.''

The team of Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez is hoping for a quick solution. As long as there is no clarity, the teams cannot make a new budget. Every day counts for this. Marko would also like to hear from the FIA what exactly the measure is when you go over the budget cap. That also is not clear yet.