Windsor slights FIA's approach: 'More surveys asking fans what they want'
F1 News

Ahead of the F1 75 event, which took place last week, it was revealed that the FIA is considering adding more mandatory pit stops to the Monaco Grand Prix. Peter Windsor is not a fan of the idea.
One of the modern aspects to racing in Monaco, is that it is near impossible to ovetake. Barring an accident, the positions drivers qualify in on Saturday are usually the positions they will hold at the end of the race come Sunday.
Windsor doesn't understand proposal FIA at all
The FIA is working on introducing mandatory pit stops for the race in the principality to make the racing more interesting. Windsor simply doesn't understand the approach: "I'm confused by that as well, because I don't think the rule, I may be wrong, but I don't think the rule says that you must make one mandatory pit stop. Now what it says is you have to use two different compounds, dry weather tyres."
Windsor then added the narrow aspect of Monaco's pitlane to the reasons behind his confusion: "There's very little room for the mechanics to operate, particularly if all the cars are coming in at the same time. So what this is basically saying is that 'we got to have better racing, we can't have overtaking, so we can only do that in the pit lanes.'
"You want to set more pit stops and the mechanics can live with all that. And if you have some chunks [from incidents] in the pit lane, I suppose that's good for TV. But I guess that's what they're saying, sort of. Because I can't think of a circuit less conducive to having more pit stops rather than fewer, than Monaco. Tiny pit lane, they've got a slower speed limit because of that. And it's a mess. It's always a mess at Monaco and the pit lane. And they want to have more of that?."
Windsor himself then came up with a proposal to have an interesting race in Monaco. The analyst suggested it might be an idea for one race to have the drivers contact each other over the radio. According to the Briton, that would be better than introducing more mandatory pit stops.
This article was written in collaboration with Cas van de Kleut.
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