Reverse grid races are not excluded for 2021

There has been talk for some time about 'reverse grid races' in Formula 1, but that plan is off the track for 2020. This is because Mercedes doesn't like it, but that doesn't mean that this idea is excluded by definition. It still remains an option to apply, albeit for 2021 says Ross Brawn of Formula 1.
Unanimous support
In order to make such a profound change, it is important to have unanimous support from all teams. Nine out of ten teams liked the idea, but Mercedes was the only one who was 'against', because it would have an impact on their competitive chances.
Next year will change the way decisions are made, so unanimous support for an idea is no longer a requirement. So that gives Formula 1 the chance to introduce shot ideas. Brawn on the F1 website: "Reverse grid races are still on the table for next year."
Dropped scores
An old rule from Formula 1 was also considered, called 'dropped scores'. This essentially allows teams to have their worst performance dropped from the championship. This from the point of view that there is always a risk that a driver will not be able to drive if tested positive for corona.
"We did talk at one stage of feasibility of perhaps dropping one or two results in the current circumstances. The problem with that is the teams could ‘game it’. They could work out how they could take advantage of an opportunity and you might find they get to a race where they aren’t likely to score point because they are having problems, so they decide not to finish."
For that reason they also abandon that idea, partly because of the shortened calendar. All results will remain this season.