F1 News

Sophia Florsch rejects Binotto offer: "We are not a marketing picture"
Sophia Florsch, the female driver who suffered a horrific crash in Macau, reacted negatively to Mattia Binotto's proposal to have female test and development drivers at Ferrari. Florsch believes that this would keep female drivers behind the scenes and instead they should be out racing.
"Is this the spirit of modern man? As long as we (women) only bring stuff to market in the race, nothing will change. We have to show that we are equal. Like Michele Mouton," writes the 19- year old German on Twitter.
What a discussion Is this the spirit of modern people?As long as we are just marketing stuff in racing nothing will change. We have to show that we are equal. Proof of concept. Like Michele Mouton. #sophia #racegirl #FIA @fiawim https://t.co/2IBGWi9E9S
— Sophia Floersch (@SophiaFloersch) January 15, 2020
Binotto wants more women in motorsport
"Women should be part of the Ferrari academy," Binotto said. "That's something we're working on now to make it happen very quickly."
It seems that Florsch won't be the one to get the opportunity after her comments but the fact that Formula 1 teams are now getting more female representation can only be a good thing.