F1 News

Will F1 survive another year of coronavirus pandemic? "Going to be very difficult"
- GPblog.com
In the United Kingdom, stricter measures against the coronavirus are in place as of Wednesday. It is becoming increasingly apparent that this situation will continue through into 2021 and according to Kees van de Grint (former Bridgestone tyre specialist), this could have major consequences in Formula 1.
"Honda's withdrawal is bad luck for Red Bull, is a pity for Verstappen, but is much more indicative of Formula 1", he says in Slipstream on RTLGP's Youtube channel. "According to insiders, Formula 1 has another year like this, with corona and everything... That's going to be very difficult and then teams are going to collapse".
TV rights money is dropping fast
"If I am properly informed, they get 50% less of the money they got last year. And last year was already less than what they got under Ecclestone. Then you have to make drastic cuts and there are also voices that want to make the budgetcap even lower now, because otherwise they will not last."
Conversational partner Allard Kalff immediately sees the positive side of this. Perhaps Red Bull will have so much money left over that they will be able to pay for the further development of the Honda engine themselves.