F1 News

f1 world responds to name visa cash app

Van der Garde cracks down on Visa Cash App RB: 'Not an appropriate name'

24 January 2024 at 13:45
  • Ludo van Denderen

The new name for AlphaTauri, Visa Cash App RB, is keeping the Formula 1 world pretty busy. On X, for example, Giedo van der Garde reacts to the name Visa Cash App RB. And his opinion is by no means positive...

Van der Garde, a former Formula 1 driver and currently an analyst at Viaplay, does not like the name at all. He says: "I know I’ve just retired so I don’t wanna sound like “everything in the past used to be so much better”, but to my opinion “Visa Cash App RB” isn’t an appropriate name for a Formula One team."

In a follow-up tweet, Van der Garde added: "Anyway, maybe they prove me wrong - but I don’t see us talking in the future about that awesome team that’s called Visa Cash App RB."